Arctic Medicine: The NewYork Times: Mu Mu


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The NewYork Times: Mu Mu

A female member of the communist party of China who goes by the pseudonym MUMU, (funny cuz that is the nickname of one of my classmates!) has a blog which has caught the eye of the NewYork Times.

I actually learned about this from a fellow blogger who tried to get my attention by telling me to check out a page that had a lot of hot bloggers. i'm not a lesbian or anything, nor do i have anything against anybody. i believe everyone who lives in a free country should be able to speak and live as one does so. but i must admit i am always up for checkin out the latest trends. However, when i opened the site, it was only a one page commentary on MUMU written by that particular blogger fellow. I was NOT impressed. I took his bait! I couldn't help but read his entry on MuMu, which i found rather intriguing, yet incomplete. So I dug deeper into the depths of the internet, to find out more for myself about this mysterious person. Does anybody know her actual blog address? I clicked on one that i thought was her address, but turned out to be blank.

[ten minutes later..]

I found it! ok well, not really. But, I found Howard W French's blog! He has been writing for the New York Times for the past 25 years, and he speaks about MUMU. Here's an excerpt:

"A 25-year-old, Mu Mu appears online ( most evenings around midnight, shielding her face while striking poses that are provocative, but never sexually explicit. She parries questions from some of her tens of thousands of avid followers with witticisms and cool charm. Chinese Web logs have existed since early in this decade, but the form has exploded in recent months, challenging China’s ever vigilant online censors and giving flesh to the kind of free-spoken civil society whose emergence the government has long been determined to prevent or at least tightly control."

From the excerpt, MuMu's english proves limited. Yet her alluring photographs as well as the controversies she discusses has garnered her blog a place on China's Most Censored Blog List. I think her blog is presented in Chinese characters (which makes me illiterate), and I presume that the reason I keep getting a blank page is because it is only accessible for short periods each day, before the Government exercises its power to delete, erase, and destroy all that they deem a political threat. It s ironic how the threat is actually the voice of a woman from their own playing field..

i found MuMu's real blog! useless though if u can't read chinese characters! So go to Howard W French's blog or New York Times vs MuMu or MuMu's Blog: You are natural, I am attractive or the new Mu.

what is "you are natural, I am attractive" supposed to mean? has MuMu also gotten surgical breast implants? it seems to me that she's saying she's NOT natural! ..yet another recurring theme I see as i delve further and further into the world of blogs..


  • Hey Muriel! I emailed Mu Mu via a 3rd party on mainland China, but haven't heard back from her yet. I'm wondering if perhaps the NY Times was making a bit more of Mu Mu than she wanted... indeed, in her post "New York Times VS Mu Mu (节选)," which I lifted from her blog (HERE), she seems to be offering her own version of the interview with Mr. French. The truth be told, truly interesting blogs will continue to attract readers, and in the meantime we'll put up with these "meteor" blogs that pop up out of nowhere, soar to dazzling heights, then vanish!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Nov 29, 09:24:00 PM 2005  

  • Hey Dave, that's cool that you emailed her. I hope she replies soon. yup, i've already seen that site by the capitalregionpeople guy. All I know is, I wish i could read chinese characters! I really want to read what she has to say about certain things, particularly concerning the rights of her people. It's pretty sad that MuMu has to hide her face like that. But on the flipside of things, she could also be the biggest hypocrite, cuz she's a chinese communist party member herself!

    By Blogger muriel, at Tue Nov 29, 10:44:00 PM 2005  

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