Arctic Medicine: Take THAT, Tim's!


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Take THAT, Tim's!

photo courtesy Matt Forsythe

My sister Jacqueline, and her classmate are rallying against Tim Horton's for an environmental activist school assignment. Her report was published in the The McGill Daily and The Concordian, from McGill and Concordia Universities, respectively.

According to Waste Management studies, more than 20% of the litter found on the streets of Nova Scotia are made up of Tim Horton's coffee cups! Times two actually! Tim's is notorious for double-cupping, which obvious creates double the waste of non-recyclable paper! Although Starbucks and Second Cup practice the coffee-cup SLEEVE idea, I highly doubt that this suggestion is a good one because i have actually seen the certain people carrying around double-cupped-AND-SLEEVED coffee cups from those places!

So ultimately these days, people are forced to make a decision between hot-coffee, or trees! ..or maybe not.. hmm.. btw, what do you think: paper or plastic?

Sign the Petition against double-cupping at Tim Horton's here.

[next day..]

got an email from my sister this morning. she was interviewed again for a follow up article. this is what she had to say about how ignorant the reporter was:

"Me and my partner have another article on the McGill Daily newspaper just came out yesterday! =)

but they are so stupid, they interviewed ME, and not my partner, but then they quote "LAU said .." in the article which is my partners last name. they are so dumb they dont even know who they were talking to. * **** ***** ***** in *** *******. you can see the new one at from nov 28".


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