Arctic Medicine: The Sex Party


Saturday, December 03, 2005

The Sex Party

a classmate of mine had a "Fantasia party", and it was my first time at one of these things! ..first time for quite a few of us actually! apparently it is a very popular party theme.. it was pretty interesting..

we got to try (hands only of course!!) a lot of high quality toys, lotions, bathsalts, oils, powders.. most of them being edible.. and yummy too!

if u want to see what it's all about, go here and maybe u'll wanna have a party of your own!!


  • oh I could get myself in trouble with this.. I better just keep quiet.. :)

    By Blogger DelorumRex, at Mon Dec 05, 03:08:00 PM 2005  

  • hahaha
    we're all ears if u want to share..
    come to think of it.. maybe u shouldn't!! kids read this stuff!!

    By Blogger muriel, at Tue Dec 06, 12:34:00 AM 2005  

  • well I imagine **** and a *** using a **** to mutualy ****.

    When in comes a llama wearing a **** oh my *** says ****.

    Then I pull out my *** its *** *** she says and my *** hits the floor with a *** thump.

    Okay who put this ** in my *** *** yells and we all laugh.

    Theyn *** takes a *** and a *** and shows everyone how to *** with a *** while hte llama watches amusidly from the back.

    *** *** let's just ***
    I say as I pull ** and *** out of my coat pocket.

    what a ** good ** we could all have.

    9he above has been throughly checkd by several right wing governmental agencies, adn has been found not to contain anything that could offend anyone with good christian sensitivities. Furthermore there were no Llamas injured durring the writing of this comment)

    By Blogger DelorumRex, at Thu Dec 08, 11:08:00 AM 2005  

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