Arctic Medicine: November 2005


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Take THAT, Tim's!

photo courtesy Matt Forsythe

My sister Jacqueline, and her classmate are rallying against Tim Horton's for an environmental activist school assignment. Her report was published in the The McGill Daily and The Concordian, from McGill and Concordia Universities, respectively.

According to Waste Management studies, more than 20% of the litter found on the streets of Nova Scotia are made up of Tim Horton's coffee cups! Times two actually! Tim's is notorious for double-cupping, which obvious creates double the waste of non-recyclable paper! Although Starbucks and Second Cup practice the coffee-cup SLEEVE idea, I highly doubt that this suggestion is a good one because i have actually seen the certain people carrying around double-cupped-AND-SLEEVED coffee cups from those places!

So ultimately these days, people are forced to make a decision between hot-coffee, or trees! ..or maybe not.. hmm.. btw, what do you think: paper or plastic?

Sign the Petition against double-cupping at Tim Horton's here.

[next day..]

got an email from my sister this morning. she was interviewed again for a follow up article. this is what she had to say about how ignorant the reporter was:

"Me and my partner have another article on the McGill Daily newspaper just came out yesterday! =)

but they are so stupid, they interviewed ME, and not my partner, but then they quote "LAU said .." in the article which is my partners last name. they are so dumb they dont even know who they were talking to. * **** ***** ***** in *** *******. you can see the new one at from nov 28".

The NewYork Times: Mu Mu

A female member of the communist party of China who goes by the pseudonym MUMU, (funny cuz that is the nickname of one of my classmates!) has a blog which has caught the eye of the NewYork Times.

I actually learned about this from a fellow blogger who tried to get my attention by telling me to check out a page that had a lot of hot bloggers. i'm not a lesbian or anything, nor do i have anything against anybody. i believe everyone who lives in a free country should be able to speak and live as one does so. but i must admit i am always up for checkin out the latest trends. However, when i opened the site, it was only a one page commentary on MUMU written by that particular blogger fellow. I was NOT impressed. I took his bait! I couldn't help but read his entry on MuMu, which i found rather intriguing, yet incomplete. So I dug deeper into the depths of the internet, to find out more for myself about this mysterious person. Does anybody know her actual blog address? I clicked on one that i thought was her address, but turned out to be blank.

[ten minutes later..]

I found it! ok well, not really. But, I found Howard W French's blog! He has been writing for the New York Times for the past 25 years, and he speaks about MUMU. Here's an excerpt:

"A 25-year-old, Mu Mu appears online ( most evenings around midnight, shielding her face while striking poses that are provocative, but never sexually explicit. She parries questions from some of her tens of thousands of avid followers with witticisms and cool charm. Chinese Web logs have existed since early in this decade, but the form has exploded in recent months, challenging China’s ever vigilant online censors and giving flesh to the kind of free-spoken civil society whose emergence the government has long been determined to prevent or at least tightly control."

From the excerpt, MuMu's english proves limited. Yet her alluring photographs as well as the controversies she discusses has garnered her blog a place on China's Most Censored Blog List. I think her blog is presented in Chinese characters (which makes me illiterate), and I presume that the reason I keep getting a blank page is because it is only accessible for short periods each day, before the Government exercises its power to delete, erase, and destroy all that they deem a political threat. It s ironic how the threat is actually the voice of a woman from their own playing field..

i found MuMu's real blog! useless though if u can't read chinese characters! So go to Howard W French's blog or New York Times vs MuMu or MuMu's Blog: You are natural, I am attractive or the new Mu.

what is "you are natural, I am attractive" supposed to mean? has MuMu also gotten surgical breast implants? it seems to me that she's saying she's NOT natural! ..yet another recurring theme I see as i delve further and further into the world of blogs..

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Saturday, November 26, 2005

tidbits: George W Bush, Christmas, BLOG$$

here are some interesting things i learned this week: 1)George W Bush has created the hugest US financial deficit in HISTORY! He has borrowed MORE money than ALL OF THE PAST PRESIDENTS COMBINED!!

a few years back, i used to like George W. I thought that although his ideas were so stupid, and at times, contradictory, they were at the same time, able to gain the respect of more than half the US population. And he got re-elected! I think u have to be a genius to pull off something like that! Don'tcha think? But then I watched Michael Moore's "Farhenheit 9-11". I had no idea what the movie was about actually.. at first i thought somebody had turned the book "Farhenheit 451" into a movie.. boy was I wrong. This was soooo much better! For those of you that haven't seen it, u should definitely go and get it! Basically, it's a documentary that bashes George W to the pulp. ..and the thing is, all the bashing is supported by LOADS and LOADS of video footage.. featuring George W insulting the american public, not giving a horse's ass about anybody except the Saudis that he has apparently made secret financial alliances with. Anyway, I'm convinced that this is all 100% real footage, cuz it is afterall a documentary, right? You can see George W's face clearly in every shot doing/saying idiotic things.. so it's definitely no body double.

2)The Toronto Santa Claus Parade (that is going on this weekend) has become an international event! Did u know that it's broadcast worldwide? ..and ppl actually fly down here to see it from different countries?

3)There is 50cm of snow in Toronto. FIFTY!!

..well, at least i know there won't be a problem finding good ski slopes this year..

4)It only costs USD$300 for a rhinoplasty (nose job) in Thailand.

no wonder there are so many good looking she-males there! i hope none of you have ever been fooled!

5)Having a blog is your ticket to FAME

Dawn yang

of course that's not why i'm continuing a blog.. i could care less about fame. i don't even do it very often. but anyway, it's true. It recently happened to 2 singaporean girls by the name of Daphne Teo and Dawn Yang/Yeo. Dawn Yang/Yeo (who is really hot).. but apparently she got plastic surgery so you can actually see her Dawn's before & after Photos, sent in by her real highschool friends. I guess that's why she changed her name from Yeo to Yang. ..trying to run from a past identity. haha doesn't work ok!! Anyway, a high profile talent agent just signed (this week) Dawn Yang/Yeo as the newest MTV VJ.. for Asia's branch, i'm pretty sure. But still.. these ppl makes tons of money, and all known for being super hot (even the male ones).

Here are some more sites that bash her. I find it quite funny how some people just have nothing better to do than do a long winded statistical analysis of somebody's face?! Does anybody even care about those details??

Dawn Yang: Lip & Nose Surgery Photos

XiaXue The Dawn popularity all started with another singaporean named Wendy Cheng (aka XiaXue). Now this girl is really something cuz she has managed to find ways to get PAID by blogging. she's a full time blogger, meaning she does nothing but blogs. It's how she earns her living! Seriously! She gets paid by companies who want to advertise on her site. Anyway, a news reporter apparently telephoned XiaXue and asked her about Dawn. Dawn Yang & XiaXue: how it all started

Daphne Teo Anyway, as for Daphne Teo, she's managed to earn the hate of quite a few people out there, who have gone to the extent of making sure that Daphne shuts down her blog forever! They kept insulting her and calling her flat chested, fake, and high on herself, blah blah blah.. this blogger finally couldn't take it anymore and just gave up. anyway, instead, she made her site into a private one.. so the public wouldn't be able to see it or comment about it anymore.

Daphne Teo: Bashed to the pulp

I can't believe all the drama going on over the internet these days. sheesh

and people wonder how i can live without a tv..

Friday, November 11, 2005

20% off sale

i bought new boots! 20% off too! how nice.. i kinda want these shoes now.. for wearing in the hospital but i don't think i really need them..