Arctic Medicine: January 2006


Monday, January 30, 2006

Brokeback Mountain - How Gay..

LITERALLY! it was about these two gay guys who were hiding the fact that they were gay. They were both married, and had children. one of their wives caught the gay couple making out under the porch one day, and she just got the shock of her life. can u imagine what it must be like, to one day find out that the man u married is actually gay!?!? OMG. i seriously have no idea what i would do. what's the point of living in denial, or wallowing in self-pity? just admit it. 10% of the north american population is gay, so just join them! sheesh. if you're gay, but u're pulling a stunt like ennis or jack (in brokeback mountain), i'd just like to tell you that u're not only gonna ruin YOUR life, but u're gonna ruin the life of OTHER PEOPLE! i'm not a lesbian or a bisexual or anything like that.. i'm purely heterosexual.. and have a bf to prove it (actually, after watching this movie, i don't think i can use my bf as proof of heterosexuality) - so i stand corrected. i guess i don't really have a right to force this upon this group of people who have not yet "come out".. but i just thought i'd give my two cents about this topic.. since this movie is so hot right now.

on the whole, i thought the movie kept me on my toes. it was really good.. it really opened my eyes up to the unexpected outcomes we may encounter in life. as forrest gump once said, "life is like a box of chocolates.. u never know what u're gonna get". that's my all time favourite movie.

Brokeback Mountain has a unique storyline, that's for sure.

anyway, i'd have to say that brokeback mountain was very interesting, but i don't think it fit the description of a romance. it was NOT moving. i did not find it emotional, and the 2 protagonists did not manage to convince me that they were gay. however, ennis and jack made me believe that they did have a very strong relationship with each other. i did not find the homosexual sex scenes convincing. i guess u have to get a gay man to portray a gay role!

something else i have to say about this movie. who on EARTH did the casting!? OMG. Anne Hathaway is a DISNEY MOVIE STAR. little KIDS look up to her! you have any idea what she did in the movie? she played a slutty daughter of a rich farm equipment dealer. in one of the scenes, she literally rips her bra off and shows her breasts to us as she throws herself on one of the gay guys! when i saw that i was like, "OMG, YOU STAR IN DISNEY MOVIES! holy crap. think of the children!" what will THEY think of her?!

Here she is in disney's The princess diaries:

Anyway, in case you thought i said the movie was bad, i didn't. i actually really liked it. it was unique, and i really enjoyed the story.. although the romance part of the acting was not very convincing. rotten tomatoes gives this movie 86% ripe red tomatoes.. which is really good cuz rotten tomatoes are really picky about which movies they like.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


i got a call 4am this morning.. i don't have call display so i was kinda cranky.. at first i thought it was morning already and my alarm was going off!! anyway, it was my boyfriend.. with important news!!


he just got his letter a few hours ago.. at University of British Columbia.

he has to give a response by 02/06/06.. what date is that!? is that february or june!? sheesh ppl should be more clear about these things! thing is, i asked my friend who's doing law at Queens', and he confirmed to me that ontario law school acceptances are given out anytime between may and august! that is so freaking late! i think they're doing this on purpose cuz they want u to give them priority over other provinces or something.. which is totally dumb! anyway, i never doubted that he would get in.. also cuz many of u guys reassured me he would cuz of his LSATs.. thanks for the reassurance guys!

last but not least, CONGRATULATIONS MY HONEY!! i knew u could do it.. even since i first got to know u seven years ago.. u just needed that little push and support (now that i'm reading this over.. sounds like i'm talking about a bra) :D

i really hope u like law school.. cuz now u have another hurdle to jump over.. the fear i share with my mom.. i think u know what i'm talking about.. but let's try to tackle that after u've decided which school to go to first! hehe just pick the one u think u will be happiest at for the next 4 years. hopefully we can finally live in the same postal code again soon.. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!

ok now, time for the mass email.. hehe

Monday, January 23, 2006

Hat Head

when i got in from walking home yesterday night, i looked in the mirror and my whole face was bright red!! i think i got wind-burn. i swear i could hear the wind shake the trees next to my house in the middle of the night.. sounded like i was in the middle of a hurricane or something! no.. i didn't take a picture of that. but anyway, when i got home today, i took off my hat, and it made my hair in the shape of my head! ewww.. so gross..

Sunday, January 08, 2006

(Raunchy) Games night!

Today a bunch of girls gathered at a friend's house and we played board games. Scene it? (a game that tested ur knowledge on movies) was the first game. most of the questions were soo hard, i kept asking myself, "how come it seems like i've never watched any movies before?? cuz i know absolutely nothing!" the owner of the game was a whiz though.. she knew soo much about movies i think she could probably host the oscars if she wanted to. ok i'm exaggerating of course. i think i just felt really stupid at the end of that game. hehe we also did a little other stuff like drinking, eating, and eating, and eating.. (i'm speaking for myself of course.. when u put me in front of food, i just can't help myself! those of u who were there probably noticed that my mouth only stopped chewing when i was talking or laughing)

anyway, i wasn't the only one who didn't stop eating of course. the next day, another one of us complained they finally knew what it felt like to be pregnant! cuz her stomach was so full that the protruding part was actually lying next to her when she woke up. haha i hope u get what i'm saying.. now that i'm reading what i just wrote, it kind of sounds like her stomach isn't even part of her body anymore.. anyway, i can't explain it any better than i did.

oh ya!! the hostess lured us into coming over with her absolutely sinfully delicious alcoholic slush!! i asked her what was in it, but i already forgot. sorry. all i can remember is that it was coconutty (i think coconut rum), kind of yellow, and had coolwhip (i think) mixed into it.. then i saw her adding ginger ale to the slush-concentrate, until it bubbled up. 2 parts slush concentrate, 1 part ginger ale. OMG it was SOOOOOOoooooooo good!!

there was also a lot of talking going on.. hehe a LOTTTTT of talking.. more than the game playing, ya think? hehe anyway, the night was fun. let's have another games night! coed this time! i think some of the guys felt a little left out.. and.. if any of u others knew what game was donated to us for the night by "the oldest kid in the class" (mind u, i'm not trying to offend anyone here.. i'm merely quoting what came out of this guy's mouth about his own self!). the game was called "What the F*ck? (the Raunchy version)".

The game speaks for itself! this game made things a little more interesting.. it was only during this game when the bunch of us discovered how much one of us really really liked pee!! hahahahaha i'm not saying anymore.. hehe anyway, i'm sure it's all jokes..

apart from Scene it, and What the F*ck, we also played Cranium.

that game is so fun! i recommend everyone buy it.. i should have bought it when i saw it for 19.99 on boxing day.. but i was too lazy to get out of my house to shop on dec 26. did u know that people were waiting outside Best Buy at 5AM to buy plasma big screens??!?! my friend was one of those diligent people. that is totally nuts! but he said he got a pretty good deal of 2 printers. i dunno.. i don't have the steam to push thru all those people.. and wait super long in those ridiculous lineups that encircle the entire store.. so i missed out on cranium. oh well. here's a bunch of other dirty games that may tickle ur fancy. haha

my friend called me from manchester, england that night too. that was pretty cool.. congrats on getting hooked up!! hehe now we're both going out with guys with the same name!! hahahahaha btw, pls forgive me.. i am such a bad birthday rememberer.. i can't believe i forgot ur birthday 2 years in a row.. u really have changed a lot.. to have let me slide for it this year.. hehe i feel so bad.. such a bad friend!!

ps: sorry no pictures, i forgot my camera yesterday. maybe my nice friends will offer to let me put up their pictures of themselves red-faced and piss-drunk?? hehe i highly doubt it. hehe