Arctic Medicine: UBC Law


Tuesday, January 24, 2006


i got a call 4am this morning.. i don't have call display so i was kinda cranky.. at first i thought it was morning already and my alarm was going off!! anyway, it was my boyfriend.. with important news!!


he just got his letter a few hours ago.. at University of British Columbia.

he has to give a response by 02/06/06.. what date is that!? is that february or june!? sheesh ppl should be more clear about these things! thing is, i asked my friend who's doing law at Queens', and he confirmed to me that ontario law school acceptances are given out anytime between may and august! that is so freaking late! i think they're doing this on purpose cuz they want u to give them priority over other provinces or something.. which is totally dumb! anyway, i never doubted that he would get in.. also cuz many of u guys reassured me he would cuz of his LSATs.. thanks for the reassurance guys!

last but not least, CONGRATULATIONS MY HONEY!! i knew u could do it.. even since i first got to know u seven years ago.. u just needed that little push and support (now that i'm reading this over.. sounds like i'm talking about a bra) :D

i really hope u like law school.. cuz now u have another hurdle to jump over.. the fear i share with my mom.. i think u know what i'm talking about.. but let's try to tackle that after u've decided which school to go to first! hehe just pick the one u think u will be happiest at for the next 4 years. hopefully we can finally live in the same postal code again soon.. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!

ok now, time for the mass email.. hehe


  • Congrats to your beau. BC and ON are constantly fighting for talent. Right from the law school acceptance dates to the interviews for articling positions - they got head to head. You basically have to decide which one to go after.

    By Blogger a blawger, at Tue Feb 28, 12:51:00 AM 2006  

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